During a conversation with a friend, the subject was brought up about brands of essential oils. Which one produced the best.
I don't know where this confusion is coming from, but I feel it needs noted that brands are retail companies. Not manufacturers.
Most of the time.
Much like Hollywood Actors.
They create a clothing line around their names and became a brand of clothing.
Victoria Beckham and Jessica Simpson aren't in the shop actually making that clothing line.
Unless they are!! 😀 Then I want pictures!! 😂
I digress!
Back to Essential oils.
These Brands are companies that purchase the essential oils wholesale from the actual producers and sell retail. There are a few exceptions of course. Farmers that grow and distill their own product who then sell both wholesale and retail. No One brand of oils are any better than another's as long as they are purchasing from reputable distillers & the oils have been tested for purity. I never realized that the rumor was that the major brands produced their own oils.
So, now you know.